Delegates` fresh impressions
The 10th International Academic Conference on economic and social development in Russia has started at the HSE. Katerina Rylko, the HSE News service correspondent, interviewed some delegates about different aspects of the event.
— What is your general impression of Moscow?
— I came from China to represent the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Science. We have the large Academy of Science. It is like the Russian Academy of Science. This is my third visit to Moscow. I came here for the first time about six years ago.As for my impressions, the first thing I'd like to say is that you should spend more money on infrastructure. Even the road from the airport is very bad in Moscow. In China we invest much more into infrastructure and it has become much more comfortable. We have invested a lot of money into the infrastructure over the two last decades.
The second thing I'd like to say concerns the hi-tech industry. I had visited Siberia several years ago. There are a lot of resources. I met a lot of wonderful people there. There are many universities and research - institutes. But I think that the hi-tech industry is still weak. You have a lot of resources and, probably, that is the reason why Russians do not worry about the hi-tech industry. But I think you should make it your main priority. I met my colleagues here, other economists from China. The conference is very interesting for us.
Giorgio Dominese, the University of Udine, Economics faculty
Day by day Moscow is transforming into a European city. It has changed enormously in the last few years. I had visited Moscow twenty years ago in Soviet times. But I think Moscow is transforming into a European city by the younger generation efforts. Yesterday we spent some time in the restraint. All young people here speak English. But it is a rare thing among people over 35. You can not speak English to taxi - drivers yet. But I think the situation is to change in the future. Today Moscow is a cosmopolitan city. There are people of different ethnic groups in the streets. I think it will turn into a large cosmopolitan European centre in the next twenty years.— What a brilliant prospect for us...
Of course (smiling)! Moscow was a large European centre one hundred years ago. I think it will also become a cosmopolitan city again, a European centre like 19th century Paris.
Pierre Yared, Columbia University
I think the conference is a good opportunity to meet economists from Russia and other countries. I am going to attend sessions on policy and economy in Russia. I am interested in sessions on fiscal and monetary policy and the future development of Russia. My presentation is focused on economic theory and public debts management. I am going to present it on Thursday. I expect a good discussion and response.
Alexander Opitz, Cologne, Germany
It is hard to say something definite about my impressions of Russia since I`ve only seen Moscow. But my impressions are very good. It is a very beautiful city. People at the streets have impressed me most. There are a lot of young people on the streets, more than in Germany.— And what is the most interesting thing at the conference?
Besides professional experience and learning some interesting things about Russia and Russian development, I am interested in social and economic development in Russia. Social changes during the early 90s and changes in the incomes distribution system are very interesting.
Annabelle Kunitz, Cologne, Germany
— First of all, some words on your impressions of visiting Russia.
I am from Cologne, Germany. Well, if you ask me about my impressions it is hard to say anything since we have arrived on Monday. Moscow is very large city. So, there are many people on the streets. There are crowds... The buildings are very beautiful. There is a lot of magnificent architecture in the city. I've seen many lovely buildings in the centre of Moscow.— What is the most interesting for you at the Conference?
- I am a sociologist. I specialize in social theory. So these sections are the most interesting for me. But I want to hear reports by prominent Russian economists.