'Joint Background in Political Science and Anthropology Turned Out to Be Invaluably Useful in Studying the Region'
From April 26 to May 7, a team of professors and students from HSE University-St Petersburg conducted a field study in the Indian Himalayas. Below, Aleksei Sorbale, academic supervisor of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics', and Pavel Bazarov, a student of the Master's programme 'Global and Regional History', speak about their research and share their impressions of the expedition.
Mikhail Borzenkov: ‘Sound Art Is Music Freed from the Dictate of Melody’
Sound is a combination of different frequencies waves surrounding us every second. And sound is also the basis upon which the track of ‘Sound Art & Sound Studies’ at HSE Art and Design School is built. What is sound art? How is it perceived and what is it in practice? How and why does it intersect with the world of audiophilia? We discussed these topics and much more with Mikhail Borzenkov—a well-known audiophile, TV presenter, blogger, and the new curator of the ‘Sound Art and Sound Studies’ track.

Students of HSE and SFedU Double Degree Programme Visit Their Second Alma Mater
Since 2022, HSE University and the Southern Federal University (SFedU) have been implementing a joint bachelor's programme ‘The Caucasus and the Middle East in the System of Regional and International Relations.’ Education takes place in Rostov-on-Don, with HSE professors mostly involved in the process remotely. In late April 2024, some of the top students from the programme were invited for a week to HSE University, where they participated in various educational and scientific events.
ICEF HSE Launches Double Degree Programme with Chinese Partner RIEM SWUFE
HSE University and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) have signed a cooperation agreement to offer a Bachelor's double degree programme in Economics and Finance. The participating partners are the International Institute of Economics and Finance (ICEF) at HSE University and the Research Institute of Economics and Management (RIEM) at SWUFE.

HSE University to Reward Students Who Write Their Thesis Using AI
HSE University has launched a competition for solutions using artificial intelligence technology in theses work. The goal of the competition is to evaluate how students use tools based on generative models in their 2024 graduation theses (GT).

‘Digital Chemistry Is the Cutting Edge of Science’
In 2024, a new track ‘Digital Chemistry and Artificial Intelligence Technologies’ will open within the Bachelor’s programme in Chemistry. This track will offer courses in digital engineering, multi-scale modelling, chemometrics, and chemoinformatics, as well as big data and artificial intelligence technologies. Specialists from HSE University, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University will be among the lecturers.

Student for a Day: HSE University Holds Open House
A university-wide open day for undergraduate and specialist applicants took place at HSE building on Pokrovsky Bulvar on March 3. In one day, applicants and their parents got acquainted with HSE University campuses, faculties, degree programmes and pre-university projects. Faculty and staff, as well as HSE students, spoke about the admission process, studies, and the prospects for university graduates.

‘Our University Offers a Wide Variety of Opportunities’
How does one choose the most suitable programme? Is it difficult for first-year students to become acclimated at HSE University? Nikita Anisimov, HSE University Rector, answered these and other questions on the eve of the university-wide Open Day for prospective students of bachelor's and specialist programmes.

HSE University and Neimark IT Campus Sign an Agreement on Launching an AI Network Programme
HSE University, together with the world-class Neimark IT campus, is preparing a unique professional environment for future IT specialists: to this end, an IT school will be created in the Nizhny Novgorod region, and on September 1st, the first network degree programme ‘Artificial and Augmented Intelligence Technologies’ will be launched at HSE University in Nizhny Novgorod.

‘Today’s Communication Goes beyond the Classical Application of Digital Tools’
HSE University has launched a Bachelor's Programme in Global Digital Communications. This new online programme from the School of Communication gives students meta-skills, teaches them to communicate with artificial intelligence and set tasks for it, develops critical thinking, and inspires teamwork in launching creative projects. Graduates of this course will be able to conduct analytical research using Python and SQL, as well as strategically approaching global communication tasks.