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Monday, September 9

Submission Deadline for the 13th LaBS Workshop 'Banking in Emerging Markets: Challenges and Opportunities'

Submission deadline - September 10, 2024 


Tuesday, September 10

Submission Deadline for the 13th LaBS Workshop 'Banking in Emerging Markets: Challenges and Opportunities'

Submission deadline - September 10, 2024 


Student Research Competition 2016 Winners Awarded at HSE

This year students from other Russian and international universities competed against HSE students. The new HSE project ‘Scientific Battles’ was also announced at the award ceremony.

Governance in STI Programme Proves to be Right Fit for Delhi Native

After completing an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Engineering in his native Delhi, India, Shashank Pant began searching for a Master’s programme that would provide a balance between management and science. HSE’s Governance in STI programme turned out to be what he was looking for as he prepares for an eventual career in innovation at a multinational corporation.

Illustration for news: New HSE Symphony Orchestra in Search of Talent

New HSE Symphony Orchestra in Search of Talent

In December 2016, an orchestra was formed at HSE whose musicians include both lecturers and students – and not only from HSE. The artists, who are mastering a broad repertoire from classical operas to film soundtracks, are preparing to play at non-university venues and are inviting new participants to join them.

Sberbank Presents Business Books to HSE

Sberbank of Russia has donated books on leadership skills and effective business planning to HSE as part of Students’ Day. The following global bestsellers were included in Sberbank’s first set, which consists of 70 items: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, Family Wealth by James E. Hughes, and many others.

HSE Students and Staff Donate 72.5 Liters of Blood

Over 150 HSE students and staff participated in the latest Donor Day at HSE, giving blood that will help save 483 people’s lives. This initiative was organized by the HSE Armenian Club in conjunction with the Blood Transfusion Centre at the Moscow Healthcare Department.

Illustration for news: Indian Look at Life and Studies at HSE Nizhny Novgorod

Indian Look at Life and Studies at HSE Nizhny Novgorod

Anza Thasneem and Shipra Singh are exchange students from Indian Institute of Management Raipur, a partner university of HSE-Nizhny Novgorod. International Students’ Club Leader Zhanna Shabanova has talked to Anza and Shipra about their impression of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, and HSE.

HSE Student Named Human Rights Activist of the Year

HSE Faculty of Law student Victor Vorobyev has won the Third National Student Watch Prize for Protecting the Rights of University and College Students in the ‘Human Rights Activist of the Year’ category.

What HSE Students Do in Their Free Time — Stats

Participation in student organizations is an important part of life at HSE. There are about 80 different communities engaged in almost all kinds of activities, from dancing to parliamentary debates. People can also try to do their part and join a charity.

Illustration for news: Life in Russia: Myths VS. Reality

Life in Russia: Myths VS. Reality

Moving to another country is always a challenge. But when it comes to moving to Russia, this challenge is particularly interesting. Teodora Delcheva, an exchange student from University College London explores eight myths about Russia and how they compare to reality.

From Chaotic Dynamics to Process Mining

Sergey Shershakov is 2012 graduate of the HSE master’s programme in System and Software Engineering, lecturer of a course in Data Algorithms and Structures, a researcher at the Laboratory of Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS Lab), and participant of the Young Faculty Support Programme in the Category ‘New Researchers’. Sergey told us what Process Mining is, how to keep your knowledge up-to-date without working in the industry, and why HSE graduates don’t have to ‘forget everything they’ve been taught’.