Armenian School Students Visit HSE University
The HSE International Admissions Office hosted another campus tour for schoolchildren at HSE University on Pokrovsky Bulvar. This time, more than 50 students aged 10–15 from Armenia came to HSE University in Moscow as part of a three-week trip organised with the support of the Russian Ministry of Education and Rossotrudnichestvo.

Artificial and Augmented Intelligence: Connecting Business, Education and Science
The history of AI research in Nizhny Novgorod dates back to the 1960s and 1970s. Today, AI technologies, from voice assistants and smart home systems to digital twin creation and genome sequencing, are revolutionising our life. Natalia Aseeva, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics and Computer Science at HSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod, discusses how the advancement of AI connects science, business, and education.

HSE University Enhances Cooperation with Top Universities in China
A delegation from HSE University paid a working visit to China, meeting with representatives from leading universities in Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Shanghai. Delegates from several HSE departments, including the International College of Economics and Finance, the Faculty of Computer Science, the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technology, the Institute of Education, and the International Partnerships Office, attended the visit. Discussions at each university focused on expanding current cooperation and identifying and creating new projects and initiatives.

‘Making Useful Acquaintances Quickly and Easily’
From the very beginning of their university years, HSE students start to develop their own start-up ideas. As a result, three graduates of the bachelor’s programme in Software Engineering of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science—Andrey Losyukov, Timofey Valov, and Alexander Kulakov—created the HiBye platform for networking at events. The students presented their project and discussed their start-up with the HSE News Service.
Alumni of the GSB International Management Programme Won the 2024 Flourish Prize for the UN Global Goal 3
The winners of the prestigious 2024 Flourish Prize international competition dedicated to celebration of business as an agent of world benefit are this year's graduates of the Master's programme in International Management at the HSE Graduate School of Business. Daria Plotnikova, Ahmad Fahim Enayat, Nim Sisil Damayantha Panavala Kankanamge, Zohrab Serobian and Aysenem Bazarova, under the guidance of Ekaterina Ivanova, were awarded for the story of ‘Digital Technologies and Rehabilitation’ in the nomination of the UN Global Goal 3 ‘Good Health and Wellbeing’.

HSE University-St Petersburg Hosts Students from 12 Countries at the International Summer School
On July 10, HSE University-St Petersburg launched the International Summer School—a series of classes for students from India, Vietnam, the Republic of Korea and other countries. Foreign guests are getting to know the university, attending lectures in six fields of study, and enjoying an inspiring cultural programme.

HSE University Leads the AI Alliance Ranking
The AI Alliance Russia has released a new ranking of Russian universities based on the quality of education in the field of AI. Similar to last year, HSE University has joined the leaders in A+ group alongside MIPT and ITMO. A total of 207 universities from 69 Russian regions participated in the ranking. In 2024, over 35,000 students were enrolled in AI-related programmes at these universities.

HSE University and the Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications Sign Cooperation Agreement
HSE University, together with its Chinese partners, will be implementing the scientific project ‘Geometry and Physics,’ which won the ‘Academic Cooperation’ competition at HSE. The International Laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms acts on behalf of HSE University. The Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA), represented by a team of renowned mathematicians including Fields medallists, will also be involved in the project.

'Motivation for Pursuing Big Goals in Life': What is Taught in 'Population and Development' Master's Programme
In 2023, the Master's Programme 'Population and Development' was ranked among the top educational programmes at HSE University. The HSE News Service explains what makes this programme special, and why specialists in population issues should study Python, housing policy, and public administration.

HSE University and Central University Launch Double Degree Programmes
HSE University and the Central University announced the launch of two joint bachelor's and master's degree programmes in the field of information technology. This year, the first admission to the bachelor's programme ‘Design and Development of Information Products’ will open with the support of T-Bank,the programme’s industrial partner.